Current Grants and Contracts

Pharmacological Management of Pain in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia

1K01AG054764-01A1 (K01)
Principal investigator (75%): Dr. Yu-Jung Wei
Study period: 8/2017-5/2022
Funding agency: NIH/NIA  Mentored Research Scientist Development Award

This project aims to provide preliminary data that improve our understanding of current pain medication prescribing and potential discrepancies between practices and pain guidelines, and to formulate hypotheses for future research regarding the role of pain control in reducing MH problems in ADRD. 

Safety and Effectiveness of Medical Marijuana Utilization in Florida

Principal investigator: Dr. Almut Winterstein (25%)
Study period: 7/2017 – 7/2019
Funding agency: State of Florida

This study will describe socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of medical marijuana users and their neighborhoods at the beginning and throughout the growth of the Florida Medical Marijuana Program; evaluate the safety and effectiveness of medical marijuana in subpopulations with specific indications considering comorbidities and concomitant medication use; and conduct research on mechanisms and outcomes of drug-drug interactions considering prevalent marijuana co-medication pattern in marijuana registry patients.

Developing the Capability of Using National Medicaid data for FDA Post-Marketing Surveillance to Assess Medication Safety During Pregnancy

Principal investigator (for UF subcontract): Dr. Almut Winterstein (20%)
Study period: 9/2017 – 9/2020
Funding agency: FDA

This study will develop and validate Medicaid-specific algorithms to estimate gestational age for live birth pregnancies, explore methods to identify non-live birth pregnancy outcomes (e.g., stillbirth, induced abortion, spontaneous abortion) and estimates for the gestational length of these pregnancies, if deemed feasible, and develop analytic tools to assess the impact on relative risk estimates of exposure misclassification (due to errors in estimation of gestational age and exposure measurement), outcome misclassification (due to lack of outcome validation), selection bias (due to failure to include non-live births), and residual confounding (due to missing covariates in EHD).

Improving Causal Inference via New Statistical Learning Methods with High Dimensional Data

Principal investigator: Tan
Consultant (3 days): Dr. Almut Winterstein
Study period: 7/2016-10/2020
Funding agency: PCORI

This study will exploit several novel ideas, based on combining inverse probability weighing and machine learning techniques, to systematically address various open issues associated with model building and estimation, learning algorithm, and parameter regularization. It will evaluate and compare the performances of new and existing methods, using both simulations and empirical data from ongoing pharmacoepidemiological studies.

The Child Health Quality (CHeQ) Partnership Program

Principal investigator: Shenkman Co-Investigator: Dr. Almut Winterstein
Study period: 9/2016 – 9/2020
Funding agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

This study will test the feasibility and usability of children quality of care measure sets through field testing and translating results into QI goals and multi-level performance improvement projects. In addition, it will implement and disseminate leading-edge methods to evaluate and compare quality of care at multiple levels, including the state, health plan, and provider levels.

Florida Minority Cancer Research and Training Center: Feasibility Studies (00093359)

Principal investigator: Dr. Folakemi Odedina
Co-Investigator: Dr. Richard Segal
Study period: 9/2014 – ongoing 
Funding agency: NIH/NCI

Florida Minority Cancer Research Training Center is the state’s first and only National Cancer Institute P20-funded minority institution/cancer center partnership focused on cancer research and training for African-Americans. The center is administered by scientists from UF and Florida A&M University to provide research mentoring and training opportunities that burnish minority students’ and faculty members’ research skills with the goal of impacting cancer health disparities in Florida’s minority communities.

Application of Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic Models to Inform Dosing Recommendations for Hormonal Contraceptives Co-Administered with Other Medications

Principal investigator: Dr. Stephan Schmidt
Principal Investigator for subproject: Dr. Joshua Brown (15%)
Study period: 3/2018-12/2020
Funding agency: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

This project will develop qualitative pharmacological and pharmacoepidemiological evidence to inform treatment decisions for hormonal contraceptives and interacting medications by integrating real-world outcomes research, model-based meta analytic approaches, and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling and simulations. The goal is to provide guidance to regulatory bodies and clinicians in treatment decisions for women using contraception with potentially interacting medications.

Medicaid Prior Authorization Policies for Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment in Vulnerable Populations

Principal investigator: Dr. Haesuk Park (75%)
Study period: 5/2018 – 4/2023
Funding agency: NIH/NIDA

This award supports the PI’s career development in viral hepatitis and health policy for individuals with substance use disorders and HIV co-infection.

Improving Medication Adherence with Telehealthcare Medication Therapy Management to Change Health Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adults with Asthma

1 R01 HL136945
Principal investigator (for UF subaward): Dr. Haesuk Park (12%)
Study period:5/2018 -3/2023

Funding agency: NIH/ NHLBI R01

The goal of this study is to develop a tailored, effective, and sustainable Medication Therapy Management video telehealthcare intervention plus electronic adherence self-management to improve medication adherence and health outcomes for adolescents and young adults with asthma. This 5-year study also aims to determine cost-benefit of video telehelathcare intervention plus mobile electronic self-management (using CareTRx sensors and mobile application).

Medicaid Prior Authorization Policies for Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment in Vulnerable Populations

Principal investigator: Dr. Haesuk Park (75%)
Study period: 5/2018 – 4/2023

Funding agency: NIH/NIDA

This award supports the PI’s career development in viral hepatitis and health policy for individuals with substance use disorders and HIV co-infection. The long-term goal is to evaluate the state Medicaid policies with different requirements related to substance use and HIV co-infection for hepatitis C treatment reimbursement across various states.

Grants and contracts archive