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Okoro Receives Dissertation Award

Olihe OkoroDepartment of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy Olihe Okoro, doctoral candidate in the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, has been awarded the 2012 Dissertation Completion Award from the Sherri Aversa Memorial Foundation.  Okoro’s distertation is on “Antiretroviral…

Stojanovic Wins Teaching Assistant Award

Danijela Stojanovic, PhD student in the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, was selected as this year’s recipient of the 2013 College of Pharmacy Teaching Assistant Recognition Award.  The award recognizes outstanding teaching and student support, as selected by senior pharmacy students. Ms. Stojanovic will be recognized for this achievement…

Winterstein Appointed Chair of FDA Committee

Almut Winterstein, PhDProfessor; UF Graduate Program in POP ResearchGraduate Coordinator The University of Florida’s College of Pharmacy is pleased to announce that Dr. Almut Winterstein, Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and…

POP Faculty and Student Receive APhA’s Wiederholt Prize

December 7, 2012- The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) announced this week that Dr. Carole Kimberlin,  Professor in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy (POP), along with her colleagues Dr. Almut Winterstein, Professor in POP, and Stephan Linden, a doctoral student in POP, have been selected to receive the 2013  Wiederholt Prize.

Mark Your Calendar: POP Graduate Program Applications Due January 15, 2013

As a reminder, students wishing to apply for the Fall 2013 Ph.D. or residential M.S. programs should have all application materials be submitted no later than January 15.  For more information regarding our graduate programs, please click here.     For those interested in admission information regarding…