Contact Information
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- August 2018 – present, Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, University of Florida, USA
- August 2016 – May 2018, M.S. in PharmaceuticalOutcomes and Policy, University of Florida, USA
- August 2014 – December 2015, M.S. in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Southern California, USA
- September 2010 – June 2014, B.S. in Bioscience, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Entry Date into the POP Ph.D. Program: Fall, 2016
Research Interests
- I am primarily interested in pharmacoeconomics. My dissertation topic is focusing on the treatment pattern, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness ofCDK4/6 inhibitors in women with metastatic breast cancer.
Professional Experience
- Aug. 2018-present, Research Assistant, Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida
- Aug. 2019-Dec. 2019, Teaching Assistant (Principle of Pharmacoeconomics), Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, College of Pharmacy, University ofFlorida Jan. 2018-May2018
- Teaching Assistant (Evidence-based Pharmacy), Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida
Scholarships / Awards
- Graduate School Fellowship University of Florida, 2018-2019
- Charlotte Liberty Grad Program Scholarship University of Florida, 2019