Contact Information
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Curriculum Vitae
- Master degree (M.S.c) in Clinical Pharmacy, University of Jordan (2010-2012)
Bachelor degree (B.S.c) in Pharmacy, University of Jordan (2004-2009)
Entry Date into the POP Graduate program
- Fall 2021
Research Interests
- Currently I’m interested in cost-effectiveness and pharmacoeconomics field. Previously I have some research works in clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice field.
Professional Experience
- Instructor, Jan.2020-August. 2021. School of Pharmacy-University of Jordan.
- 2. Full time lecturer, Sep.2015-Jan. 2020. School of Pharmacy-University of Jordan.
- 3. Lab Supervisor, Sep.2013-Sep.2015. School of Pharmacy-University of Jordan.
- Amal Akour, Sumaya Abuloha, Ali R. Mulakhudair, Violet Kasabri,and Ala’a B. Al-Tammemi. Complementary and alternative medicine for urinary tract illnesses: A cross-sectional survey in Jordan. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2021 Jan 28;43:101321.
- Sumaya Abuloha, Rawia Sharaydih, Mayyada Wazaify. Exploring the needs, barriers, and motivation of Jordanian pharmacists towards continuing education. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research December 2019; 18 (12): 2687-2693.
- Sharaydih R, Abuloha S, Wazaify M. Promotion of appropriate knowledge and attitude towards medicines among school children in Jordan: the role of teachers. Int J Pharm Pract. 2020 Feb; 28(1):84-91
- Nailya Bulatova, Eman Elayeh, Shayma Abdullah, Lana Halaseh, Sumaya Abuloha, Maysam Abu Raqeeq, Dana Aldaghlise, Ghadeer Alrbeihat. ASSESSMENT OF INAPPROPRIATE MEDICATION USE IN JORDANIAN ELDERLY HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS USING 2015 BEERS CRITERIA. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 2019; 22(3): 258-268.
- Sumaya Abuloha, Ibrahim Alabbadi, Abla Albsoul-Younes, Nidal Younes and Ayman Zayed. The Role of Clinical Pharmacist in Initiation and/or Dose Adjustment of Insulin Therapy in Diabetic Patients in Outpatient Clinic in Jordan. Jordan Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 2016; 9 (1): 33-50.