Contact Information
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- Ph.D. at University of Florida, department of pharmaceutical outcome and policy, 2016 – present
- M.S.P.H, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, 2014-2016
- B.S. Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, 2005-2010
Entry Date into the POP Ph.D. program: Fall, 2016
Research Interests
- I am interested in comparative effectiveness and safety study. I have been working on projects related to anticoagulants and antidepressants.
Professional Experience/Employment
- Research assistant at POP (05/ 2017 to now)
- ORISE fellow at FDA, division of Pharmacovigilance (06/2019-12/ 2019)
- Teaching assistant at POP(08/2016-05/2017)
- Grinter Fellowship, University of Florida, 2016 – present
- ORISE fellowship at FDA
- Vietnam Education Foundation Fellowship, U.S. Federal Government agency, 2014 – 2016
- Ching-Yu Wang, Phuong Pham, Sarah Kim, Karthik Lingineni, Stephan Schmidt, Vakaramoko Diaby, Joshua Brown. Predicting Cost-Effectiveness ofGeneric Versus Brand Dabigatran Using Pharmacometric Estimates among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in the United States. Clinical and TranslationalScience. 2019.
- Phuong N. Pham and Joshua D. Brown. Real-world adherence for direct oral anticoagulants in newly diagnosed atrial fibrillationcohort: Does the dosing interval matter? BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2019. 19:64
- Pham PN, Xiao H, Sarayani A, Chen M, Brown JD. Risk FactorsAssociated With 7- Versus 30-Day Readmission Among Patients with Heart Failure Using the Nationwide Readmission Database. Med Care. 2018
- Brown JD, Pham PN. The need for deliberate and thorough design and critique of observational comparative effectiveness research. Res Social AdmPharm. 2018 Nov;14(11):1085-1087
- Pham PN, Williams LT, Obot U, Padilla LA, Aung M, Akinyemiju TF, Carson AP, Jolly PE (2017). Epidemiology
- Chikungunya fever outbreak in Western Jamaica during July–December 2014., Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine 2017:8 1–10 Dovepress.