Contact Information
- 2021 – present, PhD student in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
- 2008 – 2011, M.Sc. in Clinical Pharmacy, Peking University, Beijing, China.
- 2004 – 2008, B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.
Entry Date into the POP Ph.D. program: Fall, 2021
Research Interests
My research interests include pharmacoepidemiology and machine learning with a focus on diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Professional Experience
- 2021-present, Graduate Assistant, University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, Gainesville, FL,
- 2020-2021 Manager, EvidPro, LLC, Fishers, IN.
- 2017-2021, Adjunct Researcher, Peking University Health Science Center, Institute for Drug Evaluation, Beijing, China.
- 2015-2019, Visiting Scholar/Research Associate, Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Indianapolis, IN.
- 2011-2017, Clinical Pharmacist, Peking University Third Hospital, Department of Pharmacy, Beijing, China.
- Travel Award, 8th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology (Hongkong), 2013.
- Andrew McAfee Award (co-author), International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology,2018.
- Peking University Innovation Award, 2009-2010.
- Peking University Guanghua Scholarship, 2009-2010.
- Tang H* (corresponding author), Zhou L, Li X, Kinlaw AC, Yang JY, Moon AM, Barnes EL, Wang T. Drug-induced liver injury associated with lopinavir-ritonavir in patients with COVID-19: a disproportionality analysis of U.S. food and drug administration adverse event reporting system (FAERS) data. Int J Clin Pharm. 2021;43(4):1116-22.
- Zhao M, Sun S, Huang Z, Wang T, Tang H* (corresponding author). Network Meta-Analysis of Novel Glucose-Lowering Drugs on Risk of Acute Kidney Injury. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol.2021;16(1):70-78.
- Tang H* (corresponding author), Mourad SM, Wang A, Zhai SD, Hart RJ. Dopamine agonists for preventing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021;4CD008605.
- Hartman RI, Tang H (Co-first), Hang D, Song M, Nan H, Li X. Red Hair Color is Associated with Elevated C-Reactive Protein Levels among U.S. Women. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2021,141 (5), 1342-1344.
- Xin L, Sun S, Wang J, Lu W, Wang T, Tang H* (corresponding author). Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors and Venous Thromboembolism Risk in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-analysis of Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials. Thromb Haemost, 2021, 121 (01), 106-108