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M.S. Students

The Residential M.S. program in the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy is closely aligned with the Ph.D. program. Students admitted into this program follow the same core curriculum and when graduating, are well prepared to transition into a Ph.D. program if desired.

POP Seminar: Motomori Lewis and Carl Henriksen – 8-31-2023

Please join us Thursday 08/31/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023,  held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming Motomori Lewis, B.S. and Carl Henriksen, Data Management Analyst as our seminar speakers. Motomori Lewis, B.S.  candidate who joined the POP program in Fall 2018. Motomori received…

ICPE 2021 Schedule

UF College of Pharmacy presentations at the International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management

POP Seminar Series: Dr. Xinyue Liu

Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy Seminar Announcement Dr. Xinyue Liu will present   “The use of ARIMA Model in tine-trend analysis” August 22, 2017 at 1:30pm Communicore Building, Room C1-04…

Happy Lunar New Year

The department of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy sends wishes for a Happy Lunar New Year.

POP Seminar Series: Ghadeer Dawwas

Seminar Announcement Ghadeer Dawwas “Type II Diabetes and Related Risk Factors: Analysis at the State Level in the United States” January 12, 2016 at 3 p.m. HSC C1-4…

POP Seminar Series: Juan Hincapie Castillo

Seminar Announcement Juan Hincapie Castillo “Psychotherapy prevalence surrounding psychotropic polypharmacy initiation in the Medicaid population” January 19, 2016 at 3 p.m. HSC C1-4…