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Zhu Named Recipient of 2014-2015 DuBow Fellowship

The Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy proudly announces that Yanmin Zhu, a third year student,  has been chosen as the 2014-2015 recipient of the Lawrence J DuBow Fellowship. The Lawrence J. DuBow Fellowship is awarded to a graduate student to support their research and education in the Department of…

Park Receives Award at APhA Annual Meeting

Dr. Haesuk Park at the APhA Midyear Meeting Dr. Haesuk Park, an associate professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, received the Economic, Social & Administrative Sciences (ESAS) Postgraduate Best Poster Award in March at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting in Orlando. The award recognizes the author of the…

Knox Selected as Recipient of SPC Scholarship

Caitlin Knox, MPH Caitlin Knox, a doctoral student in the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, has been selected to receive a Student Travel Scholarship by the Society of Epidemiologic  Research’s Student and Postdoc Committee (SPC).  This award is given to facilitate travel to their Annual Meeting and carries a…