All Posts by

Gabrielle Gele

POP Seminar: Wenxi Huang

Please join us Thursday 11/09/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023, held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming Wenxi Huang, B.S., M.S. as our seminar speakers. Wenxi Huang,B.S.,M.S., is a third-year PhD student in the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy,…

POP Seminar: Wei-Han (William)Chen and Pilar Hernandez Con

Please join us Thursday 11/02/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023, held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in Communicore Bldg. Room CG-11. We will be welcoming Wei-Han(William) Chen, MS, and Pilar Hernandez Con, MD, MSCE, as our seminar speakers. Wei- Han (William) Chen, MS, is a third-year PhD student…

POP Seminar: Huilin Tang and Shailina Keshwani

Please join us Thursday 10/26/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023, held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming Huilin Tang, MSc, and Shailina Keshwani, MSc as our seminar speakers. Huilin Tang, MSc is a third-year Ph.D. student at the Department of…

POP Seminar: Priyanka Kulkarni and Piaopiao Li – 10-19-2023

Please join us Thursday 10/19/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023,  held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming  Priyanka Kulkarni, MPH, BPharm  and Piaopiao Li, B.S. Pharm., M.S. Pharm as our seminar speakers. Priyanka Kulkarni, MPH, BPharm completed her Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from India and…

POP Seminar: Sebastian Jugl- 10/12/2023

Please join us Thursday 10/12/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023,  held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming  Sebastian Jugl, M.S., B. Pharm. as our seminar speakers. Sebastian Jugl, M.S., B. Pharm. Sebastian Jugl, M.S., B.Pharm., joined the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy in 2019,…

M.S. Students

The Residential M.S. program in the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy is closely aligned with the Ph.D. program. Students admitted into this program follow the same core curriculum and when graduating, are well prepared to transition into a Ph.D. program if desired.

POP Seminar: Asinamai Ndaia and Yehua Wang- 9-21-2023

Please join us Thursday 10/05/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023,  held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming  Yushi Huang, Pharm.D. and Nicole Smolinski, Pharm. D. as our seminar speakers. Yushi Huang, Pharm. D. Yushi obtained her PharmD degree in 2018…

POP Seminar: Asinamai Ndaia and Yehua Wang- 9-21-2023

Please join us Thursday 09/21/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023,  held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming Asinamai Ndai, B.Pharm, M.S. and Yehua Wang, MSPH  as our seminar speakers. Asinamai Ndai, B.Pharm, MS  earned a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from…

POP Seminar: Shao Hsuan (Brendan) Chang and Shu Huang – 9-14-2023

Please join us Thursday 09/14/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023,  held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming Shao Hsuan (Brendan) Chang, B.S., and Shu Huang, M.S. as our seminar speakers. Shao Hsuan (Brendan) Chang, B.S. is a third-year PhD student…

POP Seminar: Golnoosh Alipour Haris – 9-07-2023

Please join us Thursday 09/07/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2023,  held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming  Golnoosh Alipour Haris, M.S., Pharm.D. as our seminar speakers. Golnoosh Alipour Haris, M.S. Pharm.D. is a Ph.D. candidate in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy at the University of Florida.