POP Seminar Guest Speaker, Yehua Wang and Sumaya Abuloha, 10/17/2024

Please join us Thursday, 10/17/2024 for POP Research Seminar of the Fall 2024, held from 11:30 am-1:00 pm in NVIDIA Auditorium (1st Floor). We will be welcoming Yehua Wang, MSPH and Sumaya Abuloha, BPharm, MSc., as our seminar speakers.

Yehua Wang, MSPH, is a fifth‐year Ph.D. student at the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, with Dr. Almut Winterstein as his advisor. He received his bachelor’s degree in biology from Fudan University in China. He then completed his master’s at Johns Hopkins University, majoring in Global Health Epidemiology, with additional certificates in vaccine science and
clinical trials. Yehua’s research interests lay mainly in the field of pharmacoepidemiology. He has been involved in research projects from different fields including cardiovascular diseases, women’s health, medical marijuana, and diabetes. Yehua’s seminar title is: “Assessing the Real‐World Effectiveness of Hormonal Contraceptives in Commercial Claims
Database: A proof of study of contraceptive identification algorithm”

Sumaya Abuloha, BPharm, MSC. Sumaya is a fourth-year PhD student in the POP department with a bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical science and a Master’s degree in clinical pharmacy from the University of Jordan (JU). Before joining UF, she worked in academia, and she has a long experience exceeding eight years in lecturing, clinical training, community services, and research experience in pharmacy practice. Her current focus and research interests are in drug pricing, pharmaceutical spending, pharmacoeconomics modeling, and cost-effectiveness analysis for cell & gene therapies and cancer interventions under Dr.Mikael Svensson’s supervision. Sumaya’s seminar title is: “Novel Treatments for Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Budget Impact, Cost-Effectiveness, and Outcomes-Based Payment Models

To join the Zoom meeting: Please contact Gabby Gele’ (ggele@ufl.edu), or Chidimma Azubuike (azubuikechidimma@ufl.edu) for the Zoom link