POP Seminar Guest Speaker & Faculty Candidate, Javad Moradpour Taleshi, PhD, MSc; 04/06/2023

Please join us Thursday, 04/06/2023 for POP Research Seminar of the Spring 2023, held from 11:00 am-12:00 pm in HPNP Auditorium (room 1404). We will be welcoming Javad Moradpour Taleshi, PhD, MSc, as our seminar speaker.

Dr. Moradpour TaleshiJavad Moradpour Taleshi is a post-doctoral fellow at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto. He holds an MSc in Physics and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Calgary. His research interests lie in the field of pharmaceutical economics, where he aims to contribute to the optimal development and utilization of the pharmaceutical industry for enhancing health and economic outcomes. His current projects examine the vaccine market and the impact of government policies on its performance, using tools from industrial organizations and advanced econometrics. Broadly speaking, Javad’s interests lie in the areas of health economics, pharmaceutical markets, and industrial organization. He has conducted a mix of empirical and theoretical research in these fields. His prsentation title is: “Using Industrial Organization and Econometrics to Analyze Health Markets and Policies”.

To join the Zoom meeting: Please contact Valarie Jackson (vdj@cop.ufl.edu), or Motomori Lewis (motomorilewis@ufl.edu) for the Zoom link