Please join us Thursday, 04/21/2022 for POP Research seminar of the Fall 2021, held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in Communicore C1-04. We will be welcoming Sebastian Jugl, B.S.Pharm, R.Ph. and Ikenna Francis Unigwe, B.S., Pharm.D., M.S as our seminar speakers.
Sebastian, joined the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy as a graduate student in 2019 with Dr. Winterstein as his faculty advisor, after receiving his professional licensure as registered pharmacist (2019) and working as chief locum pharmacist (2019) in hospital and community pharmacies. He is particularly interested in applying pharmacoepidemiologic methods to investigate drug utilization, drug safety, and the effects of state and federal laws in the area of oncology, women´s health, and medical cannabis research. He is the current student council chair of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, and author for the German pharmaceutical association (DPhG). His seminar title presented is: “Topiramate indications and prenatal exposure in U.S. privately insured women – a retrospective cohort study.”
Ikenna, is a McKnight doctoral fellow in his third year of the PhD program in POP. He attended The University of Mississippi (UM), where he earned his bachelor’s in Biochemistry and his Doctor of Pharmacy degree. He practiced as a Pharmacist in Mississippi, Georgia, and Ohio before beginning his PhD training at The University of Florida in 2019 with Dr. Park as his faculty advisor. His practice experience includes consulting and community pharmacy practice. His research interests center around infectious diseases, particularly comparative effectiveness and safety research in HIV and Hepatitis-C. His seminar title presented is: “Screening and monitoring testing of HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis use among commercially insured patients, 2016-2019.”
To join the Zoom meeting: Please contact Katherine Morris (, Valarie Jackson (, or Motomori Lewis ( for the Zoom link and password.