Please join us Thurs, 03/03/2022 for POP Research seminar of the Spring 2022, held from 11:00am – 12:00pm in Communicore building, Room C1-04, or via Zoom. We will be welcoming Anirban Basu, PhD as our 3rd Abraham Hartzema-Endowed Lecture Series guest speaker.
Dr. Anirban Basu is a Professor of Health Economics and the Stergachis Family Endowed Director of The CHOICE Institute at the University of Washington, Seattle with joint appointments in Health Services and Economics. He is a Research Associate at the US National Bureau of Economic Research, and an elected Fellow at the American Statistical Association. His work sits at the intersection of microeconomics, statistics, and health policy. His research focuses on understanding the economic value of health care using applied economic theory, comparative and cost-effectiveness analyses, causal inference methods, program evaluation, and outcomes research. He served on the 2nd Panel on Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Health and Medicine and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for Value in Health Journal. He received his MS in Biostatistics from UNC-Chapel Hill and a PhD in Public Policy Studies from the University of Chicago.
His seminar title is: “Value-based pricing for Covid-19 Therapeutics.”
To join the Zoom meeting: Please contact Katherine Morris (, Valarie Jackson (, or Motomori Lewis ( for the Zoom link and password.