POP Seminar: Huilin Tang, Yanning Wang, and Amir Sarayani, 02/17/2022

Tang Wang SarayaniPlease join us Thursday, 02/17/2022 for POP Research seminar of the Spring 2022, held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in Communicore C1-04. We will be welcoming Huilin Tang, M.Sc.Yanning Wang, M.S.; and Amir Sarayani, Pharm.D., M.P.H. as our seminar speakers.

Huilin Tang is a first-year Ph.D. student at the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, with Dr. Jingchuan (Serena) Guo as his advisor. He received his master’s degree in Clinical Pharmacy from Peking University in China. Before joining POP, he worked as a clinical pharmacist in Peking University Third Hospital and a research associate in Indiana University. His research interest is pharmacoepidemiology and machine learning with a focus on diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive aging. His seminar title presented is “Racial/Ethnic Variations in Cardiorenal Benefits of Newer Glucose-Lowering Drugs.”

Yanning Wang is a first-year PhD student in the Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy program at University of Florida, working under the direction of Dr. Winterstein. She received her master’s degree in Epidemiology from UF in 2015. Since then she’s been working as a data management analyst in the College of Medicine. Her research interests include evaluating the intended and unintended consequences of drug policy and its effects on population health, and understanding inappropriate use of prescription drugs. Her seminar title presented is “Data Visualization for Public Health.”

Amir Sarayani earned concurrent PharmD and MPH degrees from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and worked as a pharmacist, researcher, and hospital pharmacy executive before joining the Ph.D. program at the University of Florida in 2017. His doctoral scholarship encompasses several real-world studies to evaluate drug utilization, safety, and effectiveness. He has applied innovative approaches to assess risk minimization programs while advancing prenatal pharmacoepidemiology and confounding control methods. The International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology and the American College of Clinical Pharmacology have acclaimed his research. Before focusing on pharmacoepidemiology, Amir conducted prospective observational and interventional studies on patients and healthcare providers to improve medication use and develop innovative pharmaceutical care services. His portfolio of publications includes over 50 peer-reviewed research articles, conference abstracts, and commentaries. Amir is working under the direction of Dr. Winterstein. His seminar title presented is “A Bioinformatics Battle in the Pharmacoepidemiology Toolbox.”

To join the Zoom meeting: Please contact Katherine Morris (kmorris@cop.ufl.edu), Valarie Jackson (vdj@cop.ufl.edu), or Motomori Lewis (motomorilewis@ufl.edu) for the Zoom link and