POP Seminar: Carl Henriksen, M.S. and Thuy Thai, MPH, BS.Pharm. on Thurs, 09/09/2021

HenriksenThuyThaiPlease join us Thursday, 09/09/2021 for POP Research seminar of the Fall 2021, held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in HPNP Auditorium, Room HPNP 1404. We will be welcoming Carl Henriksen, M.S. and Thuy Thai, M.P.H., B.S. Pharm. as our seminar speakers.

Carl Henriksen is a Statistical Research and Data Analyst with the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, at UF College of Pharmacy.  He will present an Annual POP Data Security Refresher.

Thuy Thai received her Bachelor degree in Pharmacy from University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City in 2014. In May 2017, Thuy received her Master of Public Health in Epidemiology from University of Georgia. Thuy joined the POP Department since August 2017 and is currently 5th year PhD student. Her research interest is medication safety during pregnancy.

Her seminar title presented is: “Utilization and Drug-Drug Interaction of Prescription Antiemetic Drugs during Pregnancyand her mentor is Dr. Almut Winterstein.

To join the Zoom meeting: Please contact Katherine Morris (kmorris@cop.ufl.edu) or Motomori Lewis (motomorilewis@ufl.edu) for the Zoom link and password.