Brianna Costales, a graduate student in the University of Florida College of Pharmacy’s department of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy, has been awarded a Mental Health Research Dissertation Grant to Enhance Workforce Diversity from the National Institutes of Health. The funding will support her dissertation project, “Applying big data to improve mental health outcomes with restless legs syndrome treatment.” Her research will examine mental health and safety outcomes in early-onset idiopathic restless leg syndrome, including psychiatric adverse events associated with RLS pharmacotherapy.

Costales’ mentor is Amie Goodin, Ph.D., an assistant professor of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy. Her mentoring team includes Josh Brown, Ph.D., Pharm.D., M.S., an assistant professor of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy, Scott Vouri, Pharm.D., Ph.D., a clinical assistant professor of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy, and Barry Setlow, Ph.D., a professor of psychiatry in the UF College of Medicine.