Please join us Thursday, 10/15/2020 for POP Research seminar of the Fall 2020, held from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in the Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy Building Auditorium (Room HPNP 1404) or via Zoom. We will be welcoming, Phuong Tran, B.S. Pharm, MPH as our seminar speaker.
Phuong Tran is a third year Ph.D. student in POP department under Dr. Winterstein ’s supervision. She got her pharmacy degree at University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Viet Nam and Master of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University with additional certificate in Drug Safety and Effectiveness. Her research interests are pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics related to cancer, vaccine and antibiotics.
Her seminar title is: “Quinolones ear drops and systemic adverse events”
To join the meeting: Please contact Katherine Morris or Motomori Lewis for the Zoom link and password.