Please join us Thursday, 03/12/2020 for POP Research seminar of the Spring 2020, held from 1:00pm-2:30 pm in the Communicore Building, C1-04. We will be welcoming our graduate students Seonkyeong Yang and Nicole Smolinski as our seminar speakers. Their seminar topics are listed below:
Seonkyeong Yang earned her Bachelor’s degree in College of Pharmacy at Pusan National University in Busan, South Korea and then worked at the Pusan National University Hospital for 18 months after graduation. During this period, Seonkyeong worked as a research pharmacist of the Pusan National University Regional Pharmacovigilance Research Center (RPVC). After receiving her Master’s degree in Clinical Pharmacy at Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey, she worked at Pharminent LLC as an healthcare analyst between 2016-2018. At Pharminent LLC, Seonkyeong’s work focused on diabetes mellitus, obesity, and aesthetic dermatology market intelligence research on a daily basis. Her seminar title will be: “Trends and Characteristics in Cough Prescription Use in Ambulatory Care Settings in the United States: 2003-2016″.
Nicole Smolinski is a first-year Ph.D. student in POP. She received two bachelor’s degrees in child psychology and chemistry from University of Minnesota in 2015. She then received her Pharm.D. from Midwestern University in 2019. Her main research interest is pediatric infectious disease with a special interest in otitis media and overuse of antibiotics in the pediatric population. Her seminar title will be: “Operationalizing ICD Codes in Claims Data: A trend analysis for cystic fibrosis”.