Please join us this Thursday, 01/09/2020 for POP Research seminar of the Spring 2020, held from 1:00pm- 2:30pm in the Medical Sciences Building, Room MSB 6120 (located on the sixth floor of Shands Hospital, directly above the Food Court).
We will be welcoming our graduate student Xinyi “Rose” Jiang, B.S. as our seminar speaker. Her topic will be: Trends in Hepatitis C Testing among Patients with Substance Use Disorder in the United States from 2013 to 2018.
Xinyi (Rose) Jiang graduated from China Pharmaceutical University with a major in Pharmaceutical Administration. As an undergraduate, she focused on Chinese Pharmaceutical laws. She received her master degree at UF in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy. Her interests are pharmacoeconomics and pharmacoepidimiogy.