POP Seminar: Dr. Charles Leonard, Abraham G.Hartzema distinguished lecture in Pharmacoepidemiology


Please join us on Wednesday, 09/25/19 for our POP Research Seminar, held from 9:30am-10:30am in HPNP (Health Professions, Nursing, Pharmacy) building, Room G114.  We will be welcoming our guest speaker, Dr. Charles Leonard, PharmD, MSCE, as our seminar presenter.  Dr. Leonard will be our first Abraham G.Hartzema distinguished lecturer in Pharmacoepidemiology.

Dr. Charles Leonard is Research Assistant Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. He is a Special Government Employee of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and serves a leadership role in their congressionally mandated Sentinel Initiative.  Dr. Leonard is a pharmacoepidemiologist with expertise in generating real-world evidence on drug safety.  His scientific contributions aim to close knowledge gaps in: drug-induced sudden cardiac arrest; clinical sequelae of drug interactions; and pharmacoepidemiologic methods development.  His research in these areas is funded by the National Institutes of Health, FDA, and American Diabetes Association. Further, Dr. Leonard serves as Executive Editor of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Associate Editor of Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.

Talk at the University of Florida on 09/25/2019

The comparative safety of antidiabetic sulfonylureas in real-world populations: a pharmacoepidemiologic investigation of clinical sequelae of KATP blockade

Sulfonylureas remain important in the armamentarium of clinicians treating type 2 diabetes mellitus. Agents within this drug class are at least initially effective, generally well tolerated, and inexpensive. Yet, there are major concerns for serious hypoglycemia and untoward cardiovascular effects. To help inform second-line antidiabetic therapy prescribing decisions, it is critical to understand the safety of individual sulfonylureas in real-world populations. This talk will examine Dr. Leonard’s population-based pharmacoepidemiologic studies elucidating adverse effects of sulfonylureas, including investigations of: a) serious hypoglycemia potentiated by drug interactions; and b) sudden cardiac arrest.