Please join us this Thursday, 9/19/2019 for POP Research Seminar, held from 9:00am-10:30am in the Communicore Building, Room C1-07. We will be welcoming our graduate students Amir Sarayani and Munaza Riaz as our seminar speakers. Their seminar topics are listed below:
Amir Sarayani: The effect of drug-drug interaction on hormonal contraceptive failure among anti-epileptic medication users
Munaza Riaz: Association of Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis during Pregnancy with Prematurity
Amir Sarayani completed a concurrent PharmD/MPH program in 2012 at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Beside pharmacy practice, he worked as a research fellow at the Research Center for Rational Use of Drugs where he was involved in several quality improvement projects, clinical trials, and drug utilization research. He also enjoyed working as a pharmacy manager in a tertiary hospital before joining the POP PhD program in 2017. His main research interests include pharmacoepidemiology, quality improvement, and policy evaluations.
Munaza Riaz completed her Pharm-D from Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan. After Pharm-D, did her residency in clinical pharmacy from Children’s hospital, Lahore Pakistan. She did M.Phil (Pharmacy Practice) from Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan and joined Institute of Pharmacy, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan as lecturer in 2013. She is a 2017 Fulbright PhD award grantee.