The UF College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy welcomes Dr. Scott Vouri as our December 5th, 2017 Guest Speaker for POP Seminar.
Scott Martin Vouri, Pharm.D., Ph.D.(c), MSCI, BCPS, BCGP, FASCP is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Assistant Director of the Center for Health Outcomes Research and Education at St. Louis College of Pharmacy. He is also a geriatric clinical pharmacist at the Washington University Older Adult Assessment Clinic. Scott’s research interests include assessing inappropriate medication prescribing, evaluating negative consequences due to inappropriate prescribing, and translating appropriate/mitigating inappropriate medication prescribing into clinical practice.
Scott received his Pharm.D. at Butler University, completed a post-graduate year (PGY)-1 residency in ambulatory care at the Iowa City VA Medical Center, and completed a PGY-2 residency in geriatrics at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Dallas, Texas. He completed a Master of Science in Clinical Investigation at Washington University School of Medicine and is completing a Ph.D. in Public Health Studies (Epidemiology concentration) at Saint Louis University College of Public Health and Social Justice with anticipated completion in Spring 2018.
In 2015, Scott received a KL2 Award from the Washington University School of Medicine Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences to assess the impact of antimuscarinics on cognitive impairment (using 5% Medicare Data), which also serves as his dissertation. Additionally, he is a co-Primary Investigator on a Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation Grant to assess antidiabetes medication utilization and outcomes following bariatric surgery (using the Symphony Health Solutions Database).
Scott is a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist, Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, and Fellow of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. He was awarded the 2016 Alene and Meyer Kopolow Award for Geriatrics, Psychiatry, and Neurology – Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital. He also served as the Geriatric Practice and Research Network (PRN) chair (2016-2017) for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.
Scott serves as a consultant on research evaluating antipseudomonal antibiotic resistance in critically ill patients (using Barnes-Jewish Hospital data). He is also a consultant on various studies which evaluate improved outcomes following pharmacists’ interventions.