The UF College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy welcomes Xinyi (Rose) Jiang and Ghadeer Dawwas as our October 10th, 2017 POP Seminar Presenters.
Xinyi (Rose) Jiang graduated from China Pharmaceutical University with a major in Pharmaceutical Administration. As an undergraduate, she focused on Chinese Pharmaceutical laws. She got her master degree at our department this summer. She studied the trends in readmission rates for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) in florida from 2009 to 2014, which was presented in ISPOR this May. Now she is a four-year Ph.D. student. Her interest is pharmacoeconomics and pharmacoepidimiogy.
Ghadeer is in her 5th year of the graduate program in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy.
You can learn more about both of our presenters and their accomplishments on their student bios, found here: