Alpha Epsilon Lambda Honor Society extends membership invitation to Ghadeer Dawwas

IMG_1964 headshot webAlpha Epsilon Lambda, a prestigious honor society for graduate and professional school students, has extended a membership invitation to Ghadeer Dawwas, a fourth-year graduate student in the department of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy. The honor society, founded at the University of Florida in 1990, promotes leadership development, scholarship and confers distinction for high achievement. To qualify for the honor society, Dawwas needed to rank among the top 35 percent of students in her major. Fewer than one percent of the total graduate student population in a given year is invited to join Alpha Epsilon Lambda. A ceremony will be held in October to celebrate new members.

Dawwas currently serves as the Students of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, or SISPE, North America liaison and co-chair of ISPE’s UF chapter. She is the College of Pharmacy Graduate Student President for the 2016-17 academic year. She works under the supervision of Haesuk Park, Ph.D, assistant professor of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy. Her research interests focus on patients with Type 2 diabetes, with special emphasis on the comparative effectiveness and cardiovascular safety of diabetes therapy.